Ginseng was discovered more than 5,000 years ago in the mountain provinces of Manchuria, China. It was first used as food and later for its strength-giving and rejuvenating properties. In Asian medicine, ginseng has been used for over 2,000 years to replenish energy, build resistance, reduce susceptibility to illness and promote health and longevity.
North American Ginseng was an important medicine for the people of the First Nations and was used in a number of different ways such as a tonic to strengthen mental abilities and to increase fertility. Since the 18th century, North American Ginseng has been primarily exported to Asia where it is highly valued for its perceived superior quality and sweeter taste.
Learn more at ginsengontario.com

Chinese cultures have long revered Canadian ginseng for superior quality and sweeter taste, but the real value comes from the well-known health benefits derived from Canadian Ginseng.
Improving overall health by increasing physical stamina, controlling blood sugar levels, stimulating the immune system, supressing bacterial infections, and preventing colds and flu
Maintaining mental health by improving on memory & learning and reducing stress
Improving cardiovascular health by inhibiting blood clots, improving circulation, controlling cholesterol, regulating blood pressure, and protecting against cardiac failure
Supporting reproductive health by acting as an aphrodisiac, managing post-menopausal symptoms, and normalizing the endocrine system